Numerology session
What numbers are behind your first and last names?
How do they describe you?
What does your time and date of birth say?
It’s pretty crazy but all these numbers say a lot about you!
More particularly on what gives you energy, what are your resources, your goals and your challenges!
I’ve been using numerology for a few months now in my long accompaniments because it’s a tool that allows you to confirm a feeling, to reassure when you’re faced with a choice.
I also want to offer you this tool, apart from a coaching journey, so that you can take advantage of it and discover a little more about yourself.
In one session, you will see that your first name, last name, date and time of birth are yours!
Find out what the numbers say about you!
Curious but not yet convinced? I share my numerology with you!
First of all, my first name Virginie gives the number 3. This number describes me as someone who enjoys life, who doesn’t like constraints and who needs to do what she loves!
Then my date of birth tells me that:
Number 4: I am a worker, borderline hyperactive, impatient…
Number 10: I am smiling, friendly but I have to be careful to express my emotions!
Number 1: I’m a guide, that’s good, right?
A goal in my life is the number 5; exploration, travel, change, independance!
And my path to realization is to work to build a group consciousness!
Interesting, right? And there, I’m not talking about my key year, my challenges, and many other things!
A little anecdote: Virginie Jullien gives the number 5! More exploration!
And RéalISE Coaching gives the number 3… Yes, I really like what I do! Funny, right?
So, intrigued?
Book your numerology session for 70 euros!
What they say!
Here are some hot reactions from my clients or my friends who have already had a numerology session! The testimonials are coming!
Wow, that’s absolutely insane!
It’s reassuring to know all this!
It’s so true! It’s all me!
Virginie Jullien
Certified professional coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation, I support women in their life and career choices.
I focus on transition coaching, having been through many transitions myself; burnout, professional retraining during my expatriation and return to my country of origin.
I accompany women who are at a crossroads, who are wondering what the next step is or who feel a loss of meaning in their life to (re)discover themselves, prioritise themselves and make choices more in line with who they are.
I include in my support individual coaching and group coaching during collective sessions with other women around the world.