RéalISE Coaching”: Life and Career Transition Coaching


Are you tired and demotivated by your work?

Are you feeling more emotional than usual?

Do you try to continue despite everything, while realising that you are using up the little energy you have left?

Wouldn’t it be time for you to take a break, refocus on yourself and clarify your situation?

Don’t drain your energy any longer.

Listen to yourself and take the time to put yourself back in the center of your attention!

Take the lead in clarifying your situation, taking care of yourself and defining what you want for the future. You’re not blocked, you’re not stuck, there are options and solutions to put meaning back into your daily life!

Trust yourself and ask for support to get out of this situation.

Reconversion professionnelle

Coaching for a Career Change

Are you wondering about your professional future?

You wonder if you wouldn’t do something else…

You have some ideas or maybe you just don’t have any!

What you know is that there is a lack of meaning in your current professional life and so you want to change things.

But you don’t know where to start your reflection and what actions to take!

What if you took the time to think about what would suit you best?

I propose to accompany you in your reflection so that you find all the answers you are looking for!

I myself made a professional retraining and I know how important it is to ask the right questions and to be well surrounded!

Want to move forward and define the next steps of your professional career?


Are you lucky enough to be an expatriate?

And yet, you find it difficult to adapt to your new expat life?

Even if you are happy about this opportunity, you are struggling to find a new balance in your host country.

And it is pretty normal as becoming an expatriate is a massive transition!

It is an emotional roller coaster with exhilarating highs and depressing lows.

It takes time and support to regain balance.

I’ve been an expatriate myself for 4 years and although it was the most exciting years of my life, it was also the toughest ones!

So do not stay alone!

Get some support to better understand the impacts of such transition on you and your family and make this unique life experience a beautiful journey!

As challenging as expatriation can be, it is a unique opportunity to reinvent yourself!

Interested to get clarity on your new life situation and make the most of it?


Do you find it difficult to manage your professional and personal life simultaneously?

Do you wonder how to do your best at work without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted most of the time?

Although you enjoy being a humanitarian and contributing to the world, do you wonder if it is possible to do this work without risking your personal life and neglecting your personal goals?

What if you could manage your energy and time differently to stay at your best in this challenging environment?

What if you could take better care of yourself and make room for both your personal and professional life?

Wouldn’t that be great?

If you are looking to clarify the next steps of your career, you are at the right place!


Whatever your situation, my objective is to help you to;

take a step back

redefine what makes sense to you

overcome your fears

choose a direction 

and take the best decisions

to create for yourself an enriching and fulfilling life!

Interested to get clarity on your next steps?


Laura's Testimonial

Through working with Virginie, I gained the confidence and courage to make tough life decisions that I realized were necessary for a more holistic, happier me.

Even better, at the end of the coaching journey, I ended up with my dream job

Sophie's Testimonial

I got the job, and only six months after my first session with Virginie I am now packing my bags to jump right into the adventure of working with my dream company in a new city, feeling light, happy and grateful, being excited and equipped for anything the new job and the future might bring!

Anna's Testimonial

My journey with Virginie helped me get aware of some toxic thoughts that were draining my energy. I realized how and to what extent my inner judge and limiting beliefs were preventing me from accessing my dreams and potential while feeding the sensation of being stuck.


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Dare to believe in yourself and your talents.

Dare to set your limits and say no.

Dare to change and reinvent yourself.

Dare to think outside the box.

Dare to make decisions aligned with who you are.

Dare to create a happy and fulfilling life for yourself.

Dare to be fully you!


RéalISE Coaching

Virginie Jullien

Virginie Jullien

Certified professional coach, accredited by the International Coaching Federation, I support women in their life and career choices.

I focus on transition coaching, having been through many transitions myself; burnout, professional retraining during my expatriation and return to my country of origin.

I accompany women who are at a crossroads, who are wondering what the next step is or who feel a loss of meaning in their life to (re)discover themselves, prioritise themselves and make choices more in line with who they are. 

I include in my support individual coaching and group coaching during collective sessions with other women around the world.